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- اثربخشی توان بخشی روانی دوساهو بر تعامل اجتماعی در کودکان فلج مغزی
- بررسی تأثیر روش دوسا (Dohsa-hou) در کاهش علایم بیشفعالی نقص توجه
- كارگاه پكن – چين 2005
- Changes in the movements of children with cerebral palsy: Causal factors
- The application of A Psycho-Rehabilitation program (Dohsa-Hou) on Spinal column of Children with Cerebral Palsy
بایگانی دسته: دوسا و تاثيرات
بررسی تأثیر روش دوسا (Dohsa-hou) در کاهش علایم بیشفعالی نقص توجه
نشريه پژوهش در علوم توانبخشي ، دوره 8، شماره 5: 1391 بررسی تأثیر روش دوسا (Dohsa-hou) در کاهش علایم بیشفعالی نقص توجه و افزایش مهارتهای اجتماعی دانشآموزان مبتلا به بیشفعالی و نقص توجه 6 تا 11 سال Mahboubeh Shahbazi, Fariba … ادامهی خواندن
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دیدگاهها برای بررسی تأثیر روش دوسا (Dohsa-hou) در کاهش علایم بیشفعالی نقص توجه بسته هستند
The communicative styles of therapists during group and individual therapy with developmentally disabled children
Examined the differences in communication methods used by therapists with developmentally disabled children in both individual therapy setting (ITS) and group therapy setting (GTS). Ss were 3 therapists and 3 of their clients who were developmentally disabled children receiving ITS and GTS for an hour every other week in Japan. Ss’ ITS and GTS sessions were videotaped and their conversations and actions were recorded between August and November, 1997. ادامهی خواندن
منتشرشده در دوسا و تاثيرات
دیدگاهها برای The communicative styles of therapists during group and individual therapy with developmentally disabled children بسته هستند
The effects of motor action training for a child with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. [Japanese]
Describes the course and effects of motor action training, a method developed for children with cerebral palsy, in the case of a boy who showed self-mutilative behavior (knee biting and finger biting). Training began when the S was 9.5 yrs old and continued for over 1 yr 11 mo. (English abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2005 APA, all rights reserved). ادامهی خواندن
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دیدگاهها برای The effects of motor action training for a child with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. [Japanese] بسته هستند
Acceptance of relaxation through Dohsa training (psychological rehabilitation training)]. [Japanese]
his study was designed to identify factors which contribute to the acceptance of relaxation. Using the Dohsa Training technique, each of 58 female undergraduate students was given a relaxation procedure applied to the trunk and back. Following this relaxation procedure, subjects were asked to complete a 20 item questionnaire in which a five point rating scale served as an index of the degree of acceptance of relaxation. Factor analysis of the results led to identification of the following three factors: (I) psychological acceptance of the experimental situation; (II) differentiated and integrated bodily awareness; and, (III) feeling of generalized relaxation. ادامهی خواندن
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دیدگاهها برای Acceptance of relaxation through Dohsa training (psychological rehabilitation training)]. [Japanese] بسته هستند
Authors Umeda S. Koyazu T. Title PROSPECTIVE MEMORY AND ITS THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS [Review] [Japanese] Serials Code 00012280 Source Japanese Journal of Psychology. 69(4):317-333, 1998 Oct. ISSN 0021-5236 Year of Publication 1998 Oct Author Keywords Prospective memory. Memory for future intentions. … ادامهی خواندن
منتشرشده در دوسا و تاثيرات
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of body control and attention on body sway that was induced by a ”tilting room” With an initial instruction, 18 subjects were divided into two groups: target and body attention groups, and then stood on a stabilometer in a room that tilted forwardly. Body sway that was induced by the tilting room was measured with the stabilometer. During the training session, subjects received Dohsa training (Naruse, 1973) in order to control their body movement. Analyses indicated the following: (I) Subjects swayed in the same direction as tilting of the room: (2) No difference in the body sway was found for the two groups before training; and (3) After training, subjects increased the controllable area on the stabilometer and learned to use their bodily sensation better. Subjects in the target attention group had a greater increase in body sway than the other group. These results suggest that adult flexibility appeared in an ecological situation where conflicting information was received through visual and bodily sensation. ادامهی خواندن
منتشرشده در دوسا و تاثيرات
Cross-cultural examination of social interactions during a one-week Dousa-Hou (Japanese psychorehabilitation) camp
Dousa-hou is a Japanese psychological rehabilitation method which is widely used in Japan for children with mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and autism. The primary focus of the rehabilitation method is to improve bodily movements and posture as well as to introduce social support to patients and their first-degree relatives. Analysis showed mothers got more social support interacting with their child’s trainer and supervisor during Dousa-hou. Trainers were more interactive than mothers in the Indian group, followed by the Japanese and Korean cultural groups. ادامهی خواندن
منتشرشده در دوسا و تاثيرات
دیدگاهها برای Cross-cultural examination of social interactions during a one-week Dousa-Hou (Japanese psychorehabilitation) camp بسته هستند
Gosaku Naruse, PhD International Institute for Clinical Dohsalogy 1. What is “clinical dohsa-hou” ? A) The so called “clinical dousa-hou” is an endemic original therapeutic or training method for clinical psychology which has rapidly developed in recent three decades (1966) … ادامهی خواندن
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دیدگاهها برای THE CLINICAL DOHSA-HOU FOR بسته هستند
بررسي تاثير برنامه توانبخشي رواني
در اين تحقيق “بدن” بعنوان شان واقعي “وجود انسان” در نظر گرفته شده است و نميتواند از “ذهن” بعنوان يك ارگانيسم انساني تفكيك شود. بدن بر روي “خود” از طريق حركات بدني تاثير ميگذارد. فلج مغزي نتيجه آسيب يا رشد نابهنجار مغز بوده كه با عدم پيشرفت در شخصيت از اوايل كودكي همراه ميباشد. فعاليتهاي حركتي در معلولين با فلج مغزي منجر به الگوهاي غيرطبيعي وضعيت جسماني (posture) و حركتي (Movement) مبشــود كه اين امر در ارتباط با هماهنگي نابهنجار تن وضعيت بدني postural tone) ) ميباشد. هيچ تحقيقي در مورد اثرات تكنيكهاي توان بخشي رواني بر اجزاي فعاليتهاي حركتي (motor) انجام نگرفته است. دوسا (Dohsa) يك روش توان بخشي ژاپني است كه از طريق آموزشهاي حركتي انجام ميشود و در اين تحقيق مطالعات بر روي (10) ده نفر كودك معلول فلج مغزي، با استفاده از روش پيش آزمون – پس آزمون، طي شش هفته صورت گرفته است. از چهار متخصص دعوت بعمل آمد تا ميزان بهبودي در وضعيت بدن و حركات اندامهاي آزمودنيها از طريق نمره گذاري قضاوت كنند. يافته ها حاكي از اينست كه اين تكنيك آموزشي اثر بارزي بر حركت بدني در مقايسه با وضعيت بدن داشته است. از آنجاييكه امكان دارد اين تاثير فقط براين گروه از آزمودنيها مشخص شده باشد، مطالعات بيشتري در اين راستا پيشنهاد ميشود. ادامهی خواندن
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